Cupertino Fireworks Cancelled

Post Date:05/27/2015
Cupertino Fireworks Cancelled

On May 19, the City of Cupertino received a letter from the Fremont Union High School District indicating that due to the extreme drought circumstances in the State of California, they are reluctantly denying usage of Cupertino High School fields on July 4th in order to present a fireworks display. This program requires spraying of over 100,000 gallons of water on the field in order to prevent damage to the facility. An alternate site was not located for the launching of this year’s fireworks.

Independence Day will continue to be celebrated throughout the day in the community! 

Morning Events

Pancake Breakfast, 7 - 11 am
Hosted by the De Anza Optimist Club
Quinlan Community Center
Adults - $8
Children (12 and under) - $5

Flag Raising, 9:30 am
Memorial Park, Veteran’s Memorial
Celebrate our nation’s independence

Children’s Parade, 10 am
Memorial Park, Softball Field
Wear your best red, white, and blue outfit.
Decorated bikes, scooters, and strollers are encouraged.
The parade travels through Memorial Park and will end at the Amphitheater just in time for the concert by the Cocktail Monkeys.

Live Music by OTR, 10:30 am - 12 pm
Rock n Roll and R&B dance hits from the 70’s to today! Pack a blanket, hat and snacks and be
ready to dance the morning away!

Afternoon Events at Blackberry Farm
10am - 6pm, Free Swimming, (first come, first served – availability subject to pool capacity)

Food Trucks at Blackberry Farm
JonJon’s BBQ and Cutesy Cupcakes, (Subject to change)

4th of July Block Leader Parties will be held throughout the City. The City will provide recreation leaders for organized games, street barricades, event insurance and free apple pie for dessert!

For more information visit



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