City of Cupertino Sustainability Commission
The City of Cupertino is establishing a Sustainability Commission. The Sustainability Commission will guide and review the City’s progress towards achieving the Climate Action Plan’s 219 municipal and community-wide measures and the connected goals, policies and strategies of the General Plan in concert with City Council and the public.
The Commission will consist of five members, one representative from a Cupertino-based business, one representative from a Cupertino-based primary, secondary, or higher educational institution, and three community members to serve four-year overlapping terms.
The City Council will be conducting interviews for the Commission in January 2016. If you are interested in more information about this opportunity, please contact the City’s Assistant to the City Manager/Sustainability Manager, Erin Cooke at (408) 777-7603 or The City Clerk’s office will be distributing a notice announcing all commission vacancies and the process for applying in October 2015.