Marina Plaza project update

Post Date:07/06/2016

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cupertino Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the matter described below. The public is encouraged to attend and speak. If you are unable to attend, your comments are welcomed at Emailed comments should be received by 4:00 pm on the day of the meeting.


APPLICATION NO.:            ASA-2015-22, DP-2015-05, U-2015-06, DA-2016-01, EXC-2016-03,

EXC-2016-05, TR-2016-14 (EA-2015-05)

APPLICANT:                         Amy Chan (De Anza Venture, LLC)

LOCATION:                          10122 Bandley Drive and 10145 De Anza Boulevard

                                                APN# 326-34-043, 326-34-066


SUBJECT :                              Redevelopment of the Marina Plaza site


Architectural and Site approval to allow the construction of a 122 room hotel, two mixed use buildings with 188 apartment units, and approximately 22,600 square feet of commercial space and associated site and off-site improvements, Development Permit to allow the demolition of approximately 44,000 square feet of commercial space and construct a 122-room hotel, two mixed use buildings with approximately 22,600 square feet of commercial space and 188 apartments with associated underground and surface parking. The project proposes 16 units as very low income, Below Market Rate units, making the project eligible for density bonus, Use Permit to allow 24 hour operations for a 122 room hotel including a restaurant with a separate bar, Development Agreement for a 122 room hotel, two mixed-use buildings with 188 apartments, and approximately 26,000 square feet of commercial space in a Planned General Commercial and Residential Zoning District,  Heart of the City Exception for Building A to allow rear and side setbacks of 10 feet where 22.5 feet are required, and to allow a 16-foot setback for an architectural feature where 31 feet is allowed, Fence Exception to allow electronic vehicle gates, Tree Removal Permit to allow the removal and replacement of 90 trees.


HEARING DATE:                 July 26, 2016  (meeting begins at 6:45 p.m.)

                                                (continued from the June 14, 2016 meeting)


ADDRESS:                             Council Chamber, Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue


The agenda for this application will be available on the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting on the City’s website:


NOTE:  AGENDA MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  If you are interested in an item, or have questions, please call the Planning Department at 408-777-3308 prior to the meeting date to verify that the item is still on the agenda. The time this item will be heard during the meeting cannot be predicted as other applications may also be scheduled for discussion at this meeting.


Please note that Planning Commission policy is to allow an applicant and groups to speak for 10 minutes and individuals to speak for 3 minutes. If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. 


NOTE TO OWNERS OF RECORD: This notice is sent to owners of real property as shown on the last tax assessment roll. Tenants are not necessarily notified.


Benjamin Fu      

Assist. Dir. Of Community Development

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