Cupertino Citizen Corps CARES, CERT, MRC, DART, Block Leaders and Neighborhood Watch, sign-up for the October 27 Exercise below using the link below. Be sure to choose your time availability and preferences for participation.
Register at:
Password: safety#1
This year’s drill will focus on practicing your basic CERT, radio, and medical skills. A sampling of the skills will be Safety Assessment, Search & Rescue, Triage, First Aid, People Transport, Secondary Assessment, Cribbing, Small Fire Control, and Utilities Shutoff. Refresher trainings before the exercise are all tailored for use during the October Exercise. Visit the training schedule section for details.
Activation will be through Cupertino Alert System and Cupertino Radio 1670 AM. After registering you will receive additional information about the exercise.
Victim Volunteers are Needed
Volunteers are needed to become Victims to help with:
- Search and Rescue
- Medical Treatment Area
Where: Blackberry Farm Park, Cupertino
When: Oct 27, 8 - 4 pm, Morning/Afternoon Shifts or all day
What: Victims made up with specific injuries and instructions
Why: Help Cupertino's Emergency Responders practice their skills
Get Service hours and Snacks are provided, It is FUN!
Register at:
Please contact Ken Ericksen at 408-777-3176, for more information.