Cupertino's Giving Trees

Post Date:11/27/2012
Cupertino’s Giving Trees

They’re known for creating shade, fall-time jumping fun, & shelter for creatures big and small, but trees are truly nature’s overachievers. Bet you didn’t guess that tree-lined streets increase property values, help retain businesses, encourage shopping, calm traffic, lower noise levels AND reduce crime, utility costs and air pollution.

Read on for the many ways Cupertino’s trees help your family and our community

Cupertino’s Giving Trees Help: 

  • Improve Your Health by improving the quality of the air we breathe. Trees stems, branches, twigs and leaves intercept and absorb pollutants. One hundred trees remove 53 TONS of carbon dioxide and 430 POUNDS of other air pollutants per year. Thanks Trees!
  • Ensure Our Community’s Safety by decreasing property crimes and domestic violence levels. In a Chicago study, public housing buildings with high levels of greenery had 48% fewer property crimes and 56% fewer violent crimes than those buildings with little or no vegetation. Flourishing greenery is a cue to criminals that owners and residents care about a property and watch over it and each other.
  • Increase Property Values. Believe it not, your home’s market value is influenced by the presence and quantity of trees. Studies show that each large front yard tree adds 1% to the house sales price, while each large tree can add 10% to the property value. So head to one of Cupertino’s nurseries and start planting!
  • Decrease Your Home’s Annual Utility Costs by blocking wind, providing shade, and intercepting, absorbing and reflecting solar radiation. A 25-foot tree reduces annual heating and cooling costs of a typical residence by 8 to 12 percent.
  • Save our Bay! Tree-lined streets retain large volumes of rainfall, reducing and cleaning the runoff before it makes its way to our creeks, storm drains and ultimately our bay. One hundred mature trees catch about 139,000 gallons of rain each year (it’d take one BIG rain barrel to achieve that!)
  • Safeguard Our Drivers and Cyclists. Trees guide drivers by making street edges and curves apparent increasing the safety of our roadways for all users.
  • Support Our Local Businesses. Tree-lined streets stimulate business districts by attracting shoppers and increasing sales. Consumers report they shop more frequently and spend 12% more for goods in a complex with trees. Real estate appraisers agree that landscaping adds to the dollar value and sales appeal of commercial real estate.
  • Keep the Peace by reducing noise from highways, roadways and other sources (perhaps music-loving neighbors?). They also maintain privacy so you can get to know your neighbors at your local Block Party NOT through their side window!

• Seth, M. K. (2004). Trees and Their Economic Importance. The Botanical Review. Department of Bio-Sciences, Himachal Pradesh University. 69 (4): 321-376.
• Kuo, F.E., Sullivan, W.C.) (2001). Environment and crime in the inner city: Does vegetation reduce crime?” Environment and Behavior, 33 (3), 343 – 367.
• USDA Forest Service. (2005). Trees Pay Us Back.

Additional Resource:
National Tree Benefit Calculator



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