Prepare for Climate Change

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Climate change refers to global warming and long term shifts in weather patterns. 

People are experience the significant impacts of climate change, which include more extreme weather events like drought, flooding, and extreme temperature fluctuations.Gases that trap the heat in the atmosphere are known as greenhouse gases (GHG). More heat trapped in the atmosphere leads to much more than hotter average temperatures also known as global warming, which in turn contributes to more intense storms, flooding, drought, extreme heat events, wildfires, ocean acidification, and sea level rise. These effects are considered climate change. Human-caused climate change is well understood and widely accepted by the scientific community. Although many changes to climate are governed by natural processes, human activities have added GHGs to the atmosphere at a rate that is unprecedented in Earth’s history For more information about emissions in Cupertino, visit the Climate Action Page.

The 2018 National Climate Assessment predicts changes to Cupertino for the period of 2035 - 2064, and identifies areas of top concern:

An average of more dry spells — periods of consecutive days without precipitation — are projected per year.

Wildfire risk may change as the length of dry spells changes. Dry spells are projected to increase by 8 days.
Historically, the longest yearly dry spell in Cupertino averaged 87 days.

Frequency of coastal flooding may increase as global sea level rises 0.5 - 2 feet.

Ocean warming and acidification may affect homes and other coastal infrastructure, marine flora and fauna, and people who depend on coastal resources.

Extreme temperatures on the hottest days of the year are projected to increase by 5°F.
Historically, extreme temperatures in Cupertino averaged 95°F.

What can you do? ...........Prepare for Climate Change
What is the City doing? ...........City Actions