The City of Cupertino recognizes the need for ambitious climate action. Getting to Zero Waste will help reduce the City's greenhouse gas emissions. As such, we created a chapter of the Climate Action Plan 2.0 dedicated to Zero Waste. This document is currently in draft form. View the entire plan at
What is a Zero Waste Plan?
The City has conducted a Waste Characterization Study in 2018/19 which analyses the waste that is being generated and how it is sorted. Based off the results from that study and industry knowledge, the City has looked for opportunities to improve.
This plan has methods that fall under six categories:
Policy- Policies are needed to incentivize behavior change. This includes product bans on hard to recycle materials.
Programs- New and expanding programs help increase access and ease of reducing, reusing, repairing, and recycling.
Infrastructure- Different infrastructure may be needed to help divert waste. One example is sending our garbage waste to a recovery facility so any incorrectly sorted items have a second chance to get collected and recycled.
Education and outreach- Continuing education to students and the community at large is a huge emphasis in this plan. Translating materials if needed and exploring new opportunities is essential to help Cupertino residents and businesses make smart consumption choices.
Equity impacts- Not putting undue burden on the people is a top priority as we are facing uncertain times. We also look for increased job opportunities and workplace safety within the waste industry.
Studies- Continuing to examine and analyze opportunities as new technology is developed and waste habits change over time is a going to help Cupertino to be a leader in the zero waste world.
Read the Zero Waste plan starting on page 94 of the Climate Action Plan 2.0.