City of Cupertino, CA
Location: 22690 Stevens Creek Blvd. (APN 342-14-066, 345-14-104 and 105)
Developer: Alan Enterprise, LLC
Architect: DAHLIN Group
Project Manager: Gian Martire,
Retail Footprint: 2,500 sq.ft.
Public Hearings:
Environmental Review Committee: Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 9:30am
Planning Commission: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 6:45pm
City Council: Tuesday, January 13, 2022 & February 1, 2022 at 6:45pm
Agenda (1/13/2022)
Agenda (2/1/2022)
City Council Approved the following resolutions and Ordinance:
- Resolution No. 22-007 (EA-2020-001)
- Resolution No. 22-008 (DP-2020-001)
- Resolution No. 22-009 (ASA-2020-003)
- Resolution No. 22-010 (U-2020-001)
- Resolution No. 22-011 (TM-2020-001)
- Ordinance No. 22-2237 (Z-2020-001)
Application Summary:
- Development Permit to allow the construction a nine (9) unit development consisting of eight (8) single-family attached townhomes and one (1) detached single-family unit.
- Architectural and Site Approval to allow the development of the residential buildings.
- Use Permit to allow the construction of housing on a non-housing site.
- Tentative Map to allow the subdivision of three (3) parcels into 10 lots, one (1) common lot and 14 individual lots.
- Zone change from Planned General Commercial (P(CG)) to Planned General Commercial with Residential intent (P(CG,Res).
Project Data:
Lot Size: 0.78 acres(gross) / 0.63 acres (net)
Type: Residential
Units: 9
Density: 11.7units/net acre
Height: 30’ max
Plan Set:
Project Initial Study:
Draft Initial Study
Appendix A: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data
Appendix B: Health Risk Assessment
Appendix C: Geotechnical Report
Appendix D: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix E: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix G: Transportation Data