21_1020_Apartments Entry View_Color_1 

Location: 1655 S. De Anza Blvd.; APN # 366-10-061, -126

Applicant: Carlson Chan, Prospect Venture LLC

Architect: The Dahlin Group

City Contact: Gian Paolo Martire, gianm@cupertino.org

Retail Footprint: 11,648 sq.ft.

Public Hearings:

Environmental Review Committee: October 20, 2022 


Planning Commission: May 23, 2023


City Council: June 21, 2023


City Council approved the following resolutions:

Application Summary:

Development Permit, Architectural and Site Approval, Tentative Map, Tree Removal Permit, and Use Permit to allow for the demolishing of an existing commercial space, removal and replacement of 51 development trees, to be replaced with 34 residential units (23 apartments and 11 townhomes), and 7,595 sq. ft. commercial space for a new mixed-use development with density bonus waivers for height and setback. 

Project Data:

Lot Size: 1.69 acres

Type: Mixed Use (Residential/Commercial)

Land Use: Commercial / Office/ Residential

Zoning: P(CG, Res 5-15)

Permits Required:

Permit approvals including, but not limited to the following, may be required:

  • Development Permit (DP-2021-002)(EA-2022-005)
  • Architectural and Site Approval (ASA-2021-004)
  • Use Permit (U-2021-002)
  • Tentative Map (TM-2021-003)
  • Tree Removal Permit (TR-2022-006)
