Public Meeting Schedule Handout
The first public meeting (Meeting #1) was held on December 6, 2017 to introduce the project to the community and to present the trail's existing conditions. Approximately 30 people signed into the event, all of whom were invited to provide feedback to City staff and project consultants during the event through one-on-one discussions and by submitting written comments on the input packets, flip charts, and trail segment plots that were distributed and displayed at the event.
Meeting #1 Display Boards
Meeting #1 Trail Segment Plots
Meeting #1 Input Packet
Meeting #1 Summary Memo
The City hosted two separate public meetings on the evenings of February 20, 2018 (Meeting #2a) and February 26, 2018 (Meeting #2b) to present conceptual plans of the proposed trail and to solicit community feedback. The conceptual plans were developed based on analysis of the existing conditions and comments received at Meeting #1. The plans also identified design alternatives addressing constraints related to trail width, trail access, and trail crossings at several major streets. A total of approximately 40 people signed into both meetings, all of whom were asked to submit written comments on the input packets, flip charts, and conceptual plans that were distributed and displayed at the event.
Meeting #2a-2b Display Boards
Meeting #2a-2b Trail Segment #1 Conceptual Plans (Mary Ave to De Anza Blvd)
Meeting #2a-2b Trail Segment #2 Conceptual Plans (De Anza Blvd to Vallco Center)
Meeting #2a-2b Trail Segment #3 Conceptual Plans (Vallco Center to Vallco Pkwy)
Meeting #2a-2b Input Packet
Meeting #2a-2b Summary Memo
The City hosted the project's final public meeting (Meeting #3) on the evening of June 6, 2018 to solicit ongoing feedback and to gather input on the refinements made to the conceptual plans based on comments received at previous meetings. Similar to the previous meetings, Meeting #3 was conducted in an open house format where attendees could arrive any time during the event window and have one-on-one discussions with City staff and project consultants at each station. City staff also invited Sergeant Jason Brown with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office to address concerns related to safety, security, and crime history. A total of approximately 20 people signed into the meeting, all of whom were asked to submit written comments on the flip charts, plans, and questionnaire that were distributed and displayed at the event.
Meeting #3 Display Boards
Meeting #3 Trail Segment #1 Conceptual Plans (Mary Ave to De Anza Blvd)
Meeting #3 Trail Segment #2 Conceptual Plans (De Anza Blvd to Vallco Center)
Meeting #3 Trail Segment #3 Conceptual Plans (Vallco Center to Vallco Pkwy)
Meeting #3 Questionnaire
Meeting #3 Summary Memo